Dogs & Bicycles
The presence of dogs and the riding of bicycles, or the use of skateboards or scooters within the boundaries of the Athletics Complex during training and competition periods are not permitted. Bikes, scooters etc must be stored away from the track behind the equipment shed at all times.
Arena sheds
Please note for safety reasons children are not permitted to be in the equipment storage areas on competition day.
Sun Protection Policy
Association/Region/Centres are encouraged to provide shade structures at venues and make available SPF15+ or higher sunscreen. Athletes and Officials are advised to wear hats and carry drink bottles to events.
Cancellation of Meets / Extreme Weather Policy
Cancellation of weekly competition programs can occur throughout the season due to wet weather or excessive heat conditions. The decision to cancel a program or training is not taken lightly and is made by the Centre executives with the safety of athletes and officials as their prime concern.
On a Saturday morning if you think the program maybe cancelled check the Traralgon Little Athletics Website or Facebook page after 8.00am or 4.30pm for Twilight program during the week.
Athletes should ensure they bring a water bottle and a drink fountain is located beside the canteen.
If lightning is evident the program will be halted immediately and the conditions will be assessed with the intention to continue program once the conditions clear.
Sharps (Syringes)
All persons are requested to immediately report any syringes sighted inside the competition venue so that they may be safely removed. Reports should be made to a member of the Centre Committee. Horizontal Jump officials should also be mindful that these objects might be buried in the jump pits.